Haven't written anything lately as a lot of sports has kept me engrossed. But, this day, was F.U.N. after a long long time as it was the birthday of a dear friend. I am not sure whether jumping into a pool of adjectives to find the appropriate ones for this guy would ever end if taken up.
Here, have a look at what i could manage to wish my mate, Jaskaran. I know, kind of amateur stuff this might appear when you start scrutinizing with the eyes of an artist, but don't do that here, please. Instead, admire the heart i've put into it (aayee fimy xD).
Significance: Jaskaran, dude well you, me and everyone knows the reason for having it painted in the shape of a bag. Won't talk about it here. Open to guesses for the rest. :D
The front |
The back |
The inside |
Honestly, you've been one hell of a perfectionist at things. Even minute 'unnees-bees' is just not acceptable to you. That is why the B-I-U stuff there was put. And stop framing 'she who shouldn't be named' for this. Your dedication towards the club has always been commendable. It has made us learn volumes too. Err..the club not you (lol). You certainly have 'the thing' for it and would be doing great in the time to come, i bet on that. Stay like this. \m/
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday again. God Bless. :D :)
Peace !